viernes, 13 de mayo de 2016

PPPPPets and kkkkkets .......A picture or two to describe

Hi again year 6. Time to talk to your dog or your goldfish again. In the pet oral exam you may have to describe a room. Here's one with a lot of stuff in it. Look up any vocabulary you don't know in the dictionary before you start.Try looking at the picture for one minute and then describing everything you can remember, and where it the background, in the foreground, on the left, on the right, next to....above...if you can't remember the vocab, say 'I can't remember how to say it but it's something you use to'..... this is a good exercise to improve your fluency for kets, too.

Now how about this one? This one hasn't got so much stuff so just half a minute to study it before you try and remember what you saw. It's more difficult to see some of the things, so you could use sentences like 'maybe the skeletons are of dinosaurs', or 'perhaps....' or 'it looks like there is'....Then say how you think the boy and the girl got there, and what is going to happen next. Always try to use fairly long sentences with connectors,...Although, so, because, but,  first, after that, next, then, following that, finally and avoid repetition.

Do you like these pictures? Which is your favourite, and why? ( I love the second one, because I have no idea how they got there, but I like to try and imagine a story for them. I also like the beams of light coming down from the hidden windows up high.) Any comments about the pics, leave them on my blog please.

Have fun!

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello helen I´m Amalia and I´m ready to pass the PET exam.
    See you tomorrow. ✔✔

  2. I really love everything you posted, all images are gorgeous! Thanks a lot for sharing this material.
