viernes, 20 de mayo de 2016

Pet speaking part 4

In this part, you will be asked to talk about something together. You will be expected to talk about your likes and dislikes and express your opinion. 3 minutes

You must show that you know how to listen to someone else and communicate with them.

1) Eye contact. Keep looking at each other. Speak clearly.

2) Don't hold on to the conversation for too long. Talk for a little while about your experiences and then ask your partner.

3) Listen to what your partner has said and then compare it to your experience.

For example:

Speaker one: When I am on my own at home, I often like to read a novel.

Speaker two: Really? Well sometimes I like reading, but I don't like novels, I prefer comics


Yes? well, I don't usually read if I am on my own, I prefer playing on my tablet.


4) The examiner usually asks you to talk about two things...for example: 'I'd like you to talk together about when you enjoy music and say what you do when you're listening to music.'  Try to talk about both, but if you don't get time, it doesn't matter, as long as you are interacting with each other and having a fluid conversation.

5) You are expected to talk about your experiences, so use adverbs:
sometimes, often, usually, try to use some negatives too: but I hardly ever,  but I never...

6) If you are running out of things to say, ask each other more questions about the topic. Use different tenses if you can:
What music don't you like?
When did you last listen to music?

Do you think you are going to listen to any music later today?

Would you like to go to a concert to listen to the music you like? (the examiners love conditionals!!)

Here are some conversations to practice. If possible, do them with someone else, but if not, imagine you are two people! YOu have to speak for three minutes , so practise for three and a half to be on the safe side!

1) 'I'd like you to talk together about when you enjoy music and say what you do when you're listening to music.' 

2) I'd like you to talk together about the people you enjoy chatting with, and what you usually chat about. (chat is not chatear here, it is charlar)

3) I'd like you to talk together about what you like to eat when you have a snack and say where you like to have your snack.

4) I'd like you to talk together about where you like to study and say if you like studying with other people.

Good luck!

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