miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016

Best of luck to you all

 Hi Everybody....it's nearly all over!

You could just go over the last few blog entries to practise each part of the exam, ...practise with your 'chuleta'...watch some telly in English...

Here's one more picture to describe. Don't forget to use prepositions...through (the window) on the right, under, on...look up any vocabulary you don't know and learn it.

Why is she looking out of the window? What is she thinking? Use could, maybe, perhaps...



martes, 24 de mayo de 2016

Ket and pet

Hi, year six.

I noticed that some of you need to brush up on (revise) your prepositions a bit, so I've found you some games.

prepositions of place games

another prepositions of place game

occupations game

another occupations game

Also, If you get a question in the present perfect in part one of your exam, you might start off speaking in the present perfect but have to change to the past simple to give more details....so here's sa game to practise with:

present perfect explanation and game

Which reminds me - revise your list of irregular verbs!!

Pet people (and ket too, feel free!) here are some more pictures to describe....use as many prepositions as possible, and don't forget to use modals...might, could, may

Was that activity fun or funny,  bored or boring ???????

Bye for now my dears.

lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016

Pet pictures. Practising conditionals, maybe, perhaps

We are not using conditionals enough in our descriptions, ans nor are we saying what we think of the pictures..(this could be a very good thing to do if you are running out of things to say! So let's practice.Here are some more pictures to describe.

1)Use all of these words when you are describing them:

could            might           may        perhaps         maybe    

The girl and the dog may be thinking about how to reach the biscuit jar.

2) When you have finished, say what your opinion is of the picture and why...

Check any vocabulary you don't know and learn it.

sábado, 21 de mayo de 2016


Hello Ket and Pet students. Here is some advice for the daty of the exam. It is very important, so please read it!!


Ket speaking exam practice

 Hello Ket students.

Here are some links to webpages that will help you practise for the exam.




And these are some more pictures to practise with. Sorry if you've seen them before!

Pet speaking part 2

Hi year 6 students, it's me again.

Part two lasts from two to three minutes. In part two you need to discuss alternatives and come to a decision. Discuss each option together, but not for too long and come to a decision. If you have time at the end, you can go back and talk about the options in more detail. The examiner will repeat the situation to you twice before asking you to start speaking.

Use conditionals:

I think he/she/they could
In my opinion he/she /they should

other useful language:

Practice with these situations. If you haven't got anyone to practice with, imagine you are two people and have a conversation with yourself! Time yourself - you can have between two and three minutes. If you haven't come to a decision before the end of two minutes you need to start coming to one. Before you start, check you know all the vocabulary, and if you don't, look it up in a dictionary and learn it.  don't forget to use some conditionals.

Situation 1
A teacher is going to take a class of 15-year-olds on a school trip. 
Talk together about the different places the class could visit and decide which trip the class would enjoy most.
Here is a picture with ideas to help you.

Useful Language
go sailing / boats / lake  cinema / actors  horses / riding school  old castle  art gallery / paintings  I think … would be a good idea because  is (more) interesting / boring because  Most people like visiting / going to… I think that they should choose 

Situation 2
A boy is leaving his school because his parents are going to work in another country. The students in his class want to give him a present. Talk together about the different
presents they could give him and then decide which would be best.
Here is a picture with some ideas to help you.

Situation 3
You are both going on a three  day walking trip in the country-side.Talk together about the things you will need, and decide which are the most important things to take with you.

Situation 4
Your friend has moved to a new town and wants to make some new friends. Talk about different things your friend can do to meet people and say which you think is best. This photo should help you generate some ideas:

Situation 5
An older friend of yours wants to help his elderly neighbour who cannot walk very well. Talk about the different things your friend could do, and which is the best.

Click here for general advice about the exam:

Guidelines for the pet speaking exam